The Norwegian IBM user group meeting took place in Oslo Monday October 14th. For the first time I did a presentation, (yay!) but I will give a short report about the entire meeting here.
The meeting took place in the brand new PricewaterhouseCoopers’ building in Bjørvika in Oslo. The auditorium had certainly been decorated to my liking.
IBM Sametime 9
Bo Holteman, Unified Communication & Collaboration Specialist IBM Collaboration Solutions – Europe (boy, his business card must be long), presented the new Sametime package.
In short the higlight can be summed up like this:
- No more licenses when connecting external users to the system!
- The licensing model is simplified. There’s now three models: Sametime Communicate, Sametime Conference and Sametime Complete, where you can get an additional module for Sametime Unified Telephony.
- If you have a standard Sametime license today you will be able to get Sametime Complete, which contains everything of the already existing Sametime Standard, Sametime Advanced and Sametime Unified Telephony Lite
- The menus have been simplified to reduce the number of clicks
- In video conferences all video images are showing, instead of like it is today where only the active speaker is shown
- Scaleable Video Quality: No more lagging. The client tells the server how much bandwidth it will need
- Maximum 6 video feeds at any one time, but hundreds of people can take part in a meeting
- You can now run a presentation from a Community in Connections.
- Easier to integrate chat solutions on web pages, this makes it easier to create chat solutions for customers and agents
- IBM will come to your company and hold a 4 hour free workshop on how to upgrade
So what’s the catch? Well, this:
- The server setup is even more complex than before! You’d think this would be impossible, but I’m not kidding.
- In addition. the SVC makes it necessary for you to have two more servers! AND: THEY HAVE TO RUN LINUX!
- The video conference solution for pads and cell phones is not ready yet, but will be released sometime during Q4
- There are currently no plans for integration with Files in IBM Connections
Bo gave a good demo on both a PC and on mobile devices to demonstrate the functionality, and I’ll give Sametime 9 this: It really does work and looks great!
Download the presentation (in Danish)
Geno does social business for a better life
Geno is owned by ca 10 500 Norwegian farmers. Their main task is breeding and developing the NRF-cow (Norwegian red cow). Tore Søgård, IT manager at Geno, and Erik Borse from Item Consulting gave a great presentation on how to introduce IBM Connections into your organisation.
This was very useful for me, since I’m in charge of the training and I have the responsibility of introducing our users to the product. I got a lot of great input for our own approach to this, as well as a confirmation that we are on the right track.
Also: Item is our new partner on our IBM Social Collaboration tools, and it seems that we are in good hands. I did an entire blog posting on my internal IBM Connections blog at work on this presentation alone.
Download the presentation (in Norwegian)
Know Your Notes Client

Now it was my turn. I gave an hour long pep talk about all the cool features of the IBM Notes client, as well as how one should go about training ones users. My point is that a lot of people hate the Notes Client because it’s either badly administrated, or that people have no training using it (and sometimes it’s a combination of these two.) If someone put you in front of a complicated CAD program, or gave you Photoshop, and just said: “Get to work,” you wouldn’t be very productive.
I also think a lot of companies sin when it comes to Microsoft Office and Outlook as well. There are tons of hidden features in those products that would enhance your users productivity if they were just told about them. Train your users!
My presentation, was very well received, and people told me that they had both learned new features after having been Notes users for years, as well as been give ideas on how to train their users better. This reception made me very happy. Not least that a lot of people liked the idea of doing what I do at my company: A weekly Notes tip blog posting.
And thanks to Mat Newman for the inspiration to do this.
Download the presentation (Party Norwegian, but all screen captures and menu choices in English, so you should have no problem following it even if you’re not Norwegian)
The Euroka Moment: The Knowledge You Need to Understand Xpages
Paul Withers, IBM Champion and OpenNTF Director, now gave a talk on the underlying JSF framework of Xpages. Really insightful and good.
Download the presentation (in English)
The OpenNTF Domino API: Making Domino Work the Way You Want
This is a new community drive API that really simplifies how you use Java in your applications. A real eye opener for more than one developer, I think.
Download the presentation (in English)
After this IBM treated us to dinner and Paul Withers and I struck up a chord and sat talking during dinner, and continued on the train to the airport. We also took in a cup of coffee (hot chocolate for me) before our planes took off. Paul is a great guy and I think OpenNTF is in good hands.
As I left for my gate I realised that I had been sweating like all hell for a few hours, but everyone had been telling me it was cold. On the plane in the seat next to me, was a nurse. She cast one glance at me and said: “You got a fever!” Then she told the stewardess she would take care of me during the flight. Nurses are heroes!