HCL invites you to an early Xmas party, where you will get to witness the launch of HCL Domino V11, HCL Connections 6.5, HCL Sametime V11 and more!
The launch takes place in Tokyo, December 4th at 15:00 – 16:30 local Central European time. This is the first major release HCL make after acquiring the entire IBM Collaboration Solutions portfolio. During this webcast, you will see the launch of:
- HCL Notes V11
- HCL Domino V11
- HCL Sametime V11
- HCL Connections 6.5
During the webcast you will get live demos, news, roadmpas and technical sessions.
There will also be a lot of other presentations. Some of the highlighted presentations from the press release include:
- Live from Tokyo Keynote: A Major HCL Milestone. These new releases represent our commitment to relentlessly modernize and innovate these products. Come hear how.
- Myth Busters. “Domino is old. It’s uncool. It isn’t valuable to my business anymore. Connections is built for engineers by engineers.” We’ve heard them all. Let us show you why they’re wrong.
- The CIO’s Imperatives for 2020: How are the most strategic and successful CIOs preparing for the next decade? Putting customers first and making IT the department of “yes,” for starters. Come learn what else is essential to leadership.
- Domino V11: Why Modernizing Beats Migrating. Get ready to rethink what you know about Domino, and let us prove why V11 is the smartest choice for your current and future app-dev decisions.
- We Hear You: HCL Connections 6.5 = More Value from Your Investment. During the #LetsConnect customer jams, the Connections Ideas Lab and countless other points of input, we have been listening to you. With 6.5, we’re delivering even more value for Connections and laying the foundation for what’s to come.
I’m even more excited about this than the new Star Wars film that will open 14 days after this launch! The Force is strong with this one!
I’ll just leave you with this: