HCL is now shipping HCL Nomad 1.0.4 for the Apple iPad. It’s now available from the Apple App Store. And there are news about the Android version. Also: You can join a webinar and have your say about the future mobile Domino templates!
In a new blog posting on the official HCL Digital Solutions Blog, Andrew Manby and Andrew Davis give you the latest scoop about the iPad-client that make it possible to run Domino apps on the iPad. Here are some highlights:
- Yes, this is what used to be called Domino Mobile Apps
- You can run your existing Domino apps online or offline, without any additional investment or development
- A new LotusScript interface for iOS and Android, built-in GPS and gyroscope capabilities.
- When V11 ships, your Domino apps can capture the user’s exact LAT and LONG information
- Users can access their personal mail file
- Copy/Paste for Notes Rich Text
- Native OS Style number fields will now display a number keyboard by default
- Fixed Native OS style multi-input time fields
- You can administer Nomad via Marcel Client from Panagenda, just like you can administer the Notes client
If you want to participate in testing the Android version of Nomad, you can sign up for it here.
Even if you can run Domino applications on mobile and pads, without any development, there is little doubt that some applications aren’t exactly made for mobile. The HCL Template Experience is on a mission to fix this. And you can get an update, and get to know how you can have your say by registering for this webinar.
Exciting times.