I’ve been an IBM Champion for the past two years, and I would really like to be one for 2019 as well. I need your help. Do you want to nominate me? Well, then this posting is written to tell you what you can write on the nomination form.
Here’s the IBM Champion nomination form.
Feel free to add or subtract anything you want. And if you want me to nominate you, please get in touch! Last nomination day is 31st of October!
- Click on the plus sign to the left of I want to nominate someone else to be an IBM Champion to open the form
- Under This person should be an IBM Champion in check the checkbox for Collaboration
- Check the box I have permission from the nominee to give you these details
- Here are the basic facts you fill out:
First name: Hogne B.
Last name: Pettersen
Email: hogne dot b dot pettersen at gmail dot com
Job Title: Analyst, developer, trainer, writer and photographer
Company: Brainworker
Country: Norway - Check business partner, client and press/analyst under Nominee’s company is a
- Under Why should the nominee become an IBM Champion fill out the following:
Why should this person be an IBM Champion:
He’s the leader of the IBM Collaboration Software User Group (ISBG) and have been for the past 18 months. In this time he has organised ten webinars and three user group meetings. Among them was the Norwegian launch of IBM Notes/Domino V10 in Oslo on October 23rd. This was done in cooperation with IBM Nordic and also included sessions about Connections and IBM Security. They boosted the number of attendees and had three times as many attendees as last time.At the moment he’s working on establishing a Nordic user group, so that they can increase the activity in all the Nordic countries. IBM Nordics is assisting.In addition he’s blogging about collaboration, with a special focus on ICS and post tips, comments, views and other thoughts related to the portfolio. He’s also assisting ICS customers and other champions and business partners when they have problems and questions. At the moment he’s working on a manual for the IBM Connections plugin for Microsoft Outlook, and have during this process shared many tips and help with other members of the ICS community.He’s also very public in his support for ICS and have promoted products like Connections and Kudos Boards when he gives general talks about collaboration. He’s also gotten a few Norwegian newspapers, as well as other organisations, to try Connections and Kudos Boards in their planning of activities.He’s also a frequent speaker at IBM related events and have this year given sessions at ICON UK, Engage, Social Connections and ISBG’s Domino launch.He’s also a frequent user of IBM Watson Workspace, and he promotes it as often as I can when doing online meetings with customers, prospective customers and others.
He also work as a Notes developer and has prevented at least four companies from leaving the platform this year. He’s also in cooperation with oter Domino consultants, helping to keep companies and organisations on the platform.
He’s also taken part in the Domino V10 beta testing, as well as the panels discussing the design for Notes V 11.
- Under What IBM product(s) does the nominee’s work focus on write:
IBM Verse, IBM Connections, IBM Notes/Domino, IBM Watson Workspace and IBM Sametime - Under the point about social media accounts, fill out the following:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elfworld
Blog: https://domino.elfworld.org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hognebp/
Other links: http://about.me/hbpettersen/ - Then fill out stuff about yourself and hit Submit
Thanks for your time. And if you don’t do this, I will visit you in the small hours and put a bat up your nightdress (no not really…yes I will…no…yes…)
What do you think? Do I deserve to be an IBM Champion? Should I include something else? Can you think of something I’ve forgotten? Leave a comment below!