HCL promised, and they delivered! You can now download the latest release of Notes, Domino and Sametime V11!
It’s always great to see promised made being fulfilled. HCL said they would deliver V11 in the last quarter of 2019. At the release party on December 4th they said Friday December 20th. And lo and behold, they actually did it!
You can now go to Flexnet (if you have an account, if not, contact your HCL Business Partner) and download V11 of:
- HCL Notes for Windows and Mac, English, Germand and Japanese
- HCL Notes, Designer and Admin for Windows, English, German and Japanese
- HCL Notes Basic Client for Windows, English, German and Japanese
- HCL Domino Server for AIX, Linux, IBMi and Windows, English
- HCL Sametime Community Server for Linux and Windows,
- HCL Sametime Proxy Server for Linux and Windows
- HCL Sametime Client for Mac and Windows
- NICE Tool for Windows
- Install Shield Tuner for Notes 11.0 for Windows, English and ML
- Install Shield Tuner for Notes, Designer and Admin 11.0, English and ML
- HCL Traveler 11.0 for AIX, IBMi, Linux and Windows, ML
- HCL Client Application Access 3.0 for Windows and Mac, English, German and Japanese
Download commencing!