One day before Christmas and I get an email telling me that I’ve been named IBM Champion again for 2019! Wooohooo!
This is the third year in a row that I’m named IBM Champion. And this year my good friend, whom I myself nominated, Arne Nielsen, was also named IBM Champion.
After people congratulate me, they often ask me: “What does IBM Champion mean?” So here’s IBM’s own definition:
An IBM Champion is someone who makes exceptional contributions to the technical community. Contributions can come in a variety of forms, and popular contributions include blogging, speaking at conferences or events, moderating forums, leading user groups, and authoring books or magazines. Educators can also become IBM Champions; for example, academic faculty may become IBM Champions by including IBM products and technologies in course curricula and encouraging students to build skills and expertise in these areas.
I’m very grateful and humbled by all the people who nominated me. A lot of people from the Norwegian IBM Collaboration Solutions community, both IBM customers, IBM-ers and IBM business partners, nominated me. Hopefully that shows they are very happy with the way we in the Norwegian IBM Collaborations Solutions User Group (ISBG) are running this, as well as my blog and assistance that I’ve been trying to give people. Some of the reasons for nominating me cand be read here.
Once again, to everyone who nominated me: Thank you! And Merry Christmas!