That’s what my, and I guess most of your customers’ end users say as well. They only care about the apps and solutions they have to work with. What’s under the hood is of no interest to them. So allow me to present two Domino based solutions that does just that.
Tag: hcl
Look at This Agenda!
Finally we can reveal the agenda for the ISBG Nordic Spring Seminar in Stockholm June 11th and 12th!
Come and Hear Me Speak About How Domino Makes Norwegian Roads Safer
For the fourth year in a row I will be a presenter and speaker at the biggest ICS usergroup event in the world. And this year I will be giving a presentation that neither developers nor executives will want to miss!
Is this What the Notes V11 Client Will Look Like?
Yesterday IBM held a presentation about the continuous road map for Notes. Highlights: Cloud customers, you are no longer forgotten and you will get all the good stuff! Oh, and: Bye, bye Eclipse. Bye, bye Xpages. Bye, bye iNotes and hello IBM Verse on Premise. Bye, bye Verse app on Mobile and hello lightweight web-version…
This is What Happened at IBM Think 2019
This is what was presented by IBM and HCL at IBM Think in San Francisco last week. See videos, summaries and presentations here!
Back to School? You Betcha! Learn About Domino Query Language. For Free!
Did you think all the news around Domino V10 were over? Oh no. Now IBM offers you free courses to learn all the cool new stuff that’s in Domino V10. Register here! First out: Domino Query Language
It’s Business as Usual
Just keep using your IBM Collaboration Solutions software as usual and keep up your relationship with IBM or your IBM business partner as you always have. It’s business as usual.
HCL buys IBM Notes/Domino and IBM Connections!
And so it goes, that what a lot of people were waiting for, maybe even hoping for, has happened: HCL has now bought the entire ICS portfolio, including IBM Notes/Domino and IBM Connections from IBM! What does this mean?
Will HCL Places Replace IBM Notes?
Tomorrow sees the first unveiling of IBM Notes/Domino V10. Personally I’m really looking forward to it and on October 23rd we will have our own unveiling in Norway, arranged by us in the Norwegian IBM Collaboration Software Group (ISBG). Now that HCL has taken over the development of the the IBM Collaboration Software portfolio, they…
Run Your Notes Apps on Your Ipad Without Any Development
The conference IBM Think was held in Las Vegas from March 19th to 22nd. Over 30 000 people were there, and the conference covered subjects like collaboration, IBM Connections, blockchain, cloud, encryption and artificial intelligence. As I’m an IBM Champion for ICS and the leader of the Norwegian ICS usergroup (ISBG) I was mostly interested…