The Norwegian IBM Collaboration Usergroup is putting on the first Nordic usergroup seminar Stockholm on June 11th and 12th! Here are the five best reasons why you should join!
Tag: ics
When Was the Last Time You Had a Conversation With Your Domino Server?
Or when was the last time the Domino server talked to you? Never, you say? With Domino 10 and the new APIs, this is possible! See an awesome how Luis Guirigay not only does Domino administration with his voice, but also how he can book holiday time and meetings as well.
Where Did the Outlook Plugin for IBM Connections Go?
UPDATE! Last week a friend of mine asked me if I could try and find out where the IBM Connections plugin for Microsoft Outlook had gone. It was no longer available as a download in the IBM Collaboration Solutions Catalog. Turns out it has been pulled!
Using IBM Verse (and Notes) to Keep Track of My Traveling Plans
Don’t let the headline fool you. I also show you how you can do this in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and other email and calendar clients as well! I’m a pretty disorganized person who had to force myself to become organized. And I have succeeded pretty well with it, even if I do have a few…