Finally we can reveal the agenda for the ISBG Nordic Spring Seminar in Stockholm June 11th and 12th!
Come and Hear Me Speak About How Domino Makes Norwegian Roads Safer
For the fourth year in a row I will be a presenter and speaker at the biggest ICS usergroup event in the world. And this year I will be giving a presentation that neither developers nor executives will want to miss!
Promotion of Domino? Yeah, Pull the Other Leg
But it’s true! A brand new video promoting Domino is right now making the rounds on the Internet.
Aurora, the Queen of My Queendom
The Norwegian artist Aurora says you can make fun of everything, except moths. – Never screw with a moth, is her message! Read my review of her amazing gig in Oslo last night.
Change Your Facebook Password! Now!
Another security scandal at Facebook. My, how the week has flown. Yesterday it was revealed that Facebook has, once again, tried to cover up a security scandal. And this one is just inexcusable. Change your password immediately. This is how you do it!
Is this What the Notes V11 Client Will Look Like?
Yesterday IBM held a presentation about the continuous road map for Notes. Highlights: Cloud customers, you are no longer forgotten and you will get all the good stuff! Oh, and: Bye, bye Eclipse. Bye, bye Xpages. Bye, bye iNotes and hello IBM Verse on Premise. Bye, bye Verse app on Mobile and hello lightweight web-version…
When Was the Last Time You Had a Conversation With Your Domino Server?
Or when was the last time the Domino server talked to you? Never, you say? With Domino 10 and the new APIs, this is possible! See an awesome how Luis Guirigay not only does Domino administration with his voice, but also how he can book holiday time and meetings as well.
Over the Top, Pretentious, Bombastic and Just Fantastic
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy did the brilliant Motorpsycho outdo themselves this time! My record player is on fire!
This is What Happened at IBM Think 2019
This is what was presented by IBM and HCL at IBM Think in San Francisco last week. See videos, summaries and presentations here!
How to Check Whether an Email From Facebook is Genuine or Not
Sometimes you can become too suspicious when you receive an email about a security breach in one of your many online or social media accounts. I thought that two emails I received from Facebook were phishing attempts. Turns out they were genuine. This is how you can check whether an email from Facebook is genuine…