The calendar says it’s winter here in Orlando, but for us this is pure summer. It’s quite simply heavenly here right now, and I’ll never get used to being cold inside, and when I go outside I have to take off my jacket. I started this day with a short run before I did several…
Tag: connections
ISBG Day 2
I was glad I went to bed early after Day 1. I think I was more ready for this day than certain other people I talked to… On to the sessions: An Introduction to Working With the Activity Stream This was one of my favorite sessions. It was presented by Mikkel Flindt Heisterberg from Intravision….
A New Chapter
Welcome as I start a new chapter in my blog life. I’ve decided to start blogging the personal stuff and various opinions that I’ve got (and I’ve got plenty) in Norwegian. I will do this in my Norwegian blog. My old blog is now archived but is open for all to read. In this blog…