A very quick and short tip on how you can easily sort your email by date.
Tag: email
Notes Tips #19: Flag an Email for Followup
Are you in a situation where email is still the place where most of your information and work assignments arrive? Then this will help you to stay on top of your tasks!
Notes Tips #18: Keep Track of Your Mail Conversation
Are you looking for a previous email in a long email thread? Did you know that Notes solves that for you with one click? Read on!
The Mystery of the Duplicate Mail Folders
A user contacted me and said that in the dialog box for moving an email to a folder, several of his folders were suddenly duplicated, but not in the left side menu in his Notes mail. This is how I found what had happened and managed to solve it.
How to Check Whether an Email From Facebook is Genuine or Not
Sometimes you can become too suspicious when you receive an email about a security breach in one of your many online or social media accounts. I thought that two emails I received from Facebook were phishing attempts. Turns out they were genuine. This is how you can check whether an email from Facebook is genuine…
Do You Want to Contribute to What Domino V11 Should Be?
Last year IBM had jams with IBM customers, users, business partners and others to get feedback on what IBM Notes and Domino V10 should contain. Now they are inviting YOU to do the same for V11!
Why the GDPR Emails You’ve Received in the Past Weeks Probably Are Illegal
I’m sure you have received them too. Tons of annoying emails where companies or organisations are explaining to you how they value your privacy, and that because of the new GDPR directive from the EU, they are asking for your consent to continue sending you emails. Yes, there is a new directive that will soon…
Using IBM Verse (and Notes) to Keep Track of My Traveling Plans
Don’t let the headline fool you. I also show you how you can do this in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and other email and calendar clients as well! I’m a pretty disorganized person who had to force myself to become organized. And I have succeeded pretty well with it, even if I do have a few…
7 Great Tips About IBM Notes
The IBM Notes client is an important tool for a lot of IBM customers. It’s a powerful client (albeit a bit cranky at times), which has a lot of features that people don’t know about. So here are 7 quick tips to make your work day even more efficient. 1) Find a Notes application/database quickly…
IBM Listens
I’m at the Norwegian IBM User Group meeting in Larvik Norway, and several representatives from IBM Norway are here, as usual. Some of them had read my last blog posting, and came up to me and said that I had been a bit unfair and that they wanted to remedy my impression. So their suggestion…