One should never rest on ones laurels, they say. So to keep up with customer demand, as well as being interested in learning new things, I can now help you with Microsoft Teams.
Tag: collaboration
I Don’t Care About Domino
That’s what my, and I guess most of your customers’ end users say as well. They only care about the apps and solutions they have to work with. What’s under the hood is of no interest to them. So allow me to present two Domino based solutions that does just that.
When Was the Last Time You Had a Conversation With Your Domino Server?
Or when was the last time the Domino server talked to you? Never, you say? With Domino 10 and the new APIs, this is possible! See an awesome how Luis Guirigay not only does Domino administration with his voice, but also how he can book holiday time and meetings as well.
This is What Happened at IBM Think 2019
This is what was presented by IBM and HCL at IBM Think in San Francisco last week. See videos, summaries and presentations here!
Where Did the Outlook Plugin for IBM Connections Go?
UPDATE! Last week a friend of mine asked me if I could try and find out where the IBM Connections plugin for Microsoft Outlook had gone. It was no longer available as a download in the IBM Collaboration Solutions Catalog. Turns out it has been pulled!
The Rumors About the Death of IBM Watson Workspace Were Not Exaggerated
After knowing about this for almost three months, I can finally go public about the rumors that have been flying among ICS customers for quite a while: IBM is giving up on IBM Watson Workspace.
Take it iSi, I Got a New Job
In the last two years I’ve been putting food on the table and paying the rent via freelancing. I’ve done this as a freelance journalist, writer, photographer and speaker. In addition I’ve worked with IT in the form of development, lectures, user training and system analysis. First and foremost with collaborative solutions, but also with…
Ed Brill: – I Know Some People Want to Blame Me
While in Chicago, I met up with Ed Brill, former head of Notes/Domino and IBM Collaboration Solutions, and got him to tell his side of the story.
Will HCL Places Replace IBM Notes?
Tomorrow sees the first unveiling of IBM Notes/Domino V10. Personally I’m really looking forward to it and on October 23rd we will have our own unveiling in Norway, arranged by us in the Norwegian IBM Collaboration Software Group (ISBG). Now that HCL has taken over the development of the the IBM Collaboration Software portfolio, they…
Here is Where You Can See Me Speak This Autumn
As I’m sure a lot of you know, I do a lot of presentations and lectures, as well as giving courses and doing user training. I’m especially doing a lot of this kind of work when it comes to collaboration and efficient use of email and calendar. If you want me to come and have…