Do not let email control you by announcing its arrival all the time. Choose how YOU want it to behave in HCL Notes Mail.
Category: Notes
Notes Tip #33: That’s Your Signature?
In HCL Notes you can create email signatures that is automatically added to the bottom of your emails. You can set up different signatures for whether it’s a new email, a reply or a pure text email.
Notes Tip #32: Quick! A Rule!
Having trouble staying on top of your Inbox? Notes can, via Quick Rules, help you direct your emails in to other folders so that you can focus on the important ones in your Inbox.
Notes Tip #31: Day at a Glance
Keep control of your day, schedule and calendar, without having to leave the Notes application you are currently using.
Notes Tip #30: Turn an Email into a Meeting or To Do
Need to follow up on an email? Turn it into a To do! Need to copy the contents of an email into a meeting? Turned the email into a calendar entry! It’s easy as 1-2-3.
Notes Tips #29: What Sort of Sorting for Sorted Emails?
Email is a necessary evil, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to keep it sorted. Especially if you are using HCL Notes. Don’t know how? Read this, then!
Notes Tips #28: Create Emails With CTRL
How to create a new email in HCL Notes fast but thoroughly. Surprisingly many don’t know several of the tricks I’m showing you here.
Notes Tips #27: Rich Text Formatting in HCL Notes
Rich text fields are fields in Notes where you can format the text with colours, photos, tables, different types of fonts and so on.
Notes Tips #26: Spellcheck Several Languages at Once
Did you know you can spellcheck several languages at once in HCL Notes? No? Well, read on then!
Notes Tips #25: Spellchecking
Spell check is important. Without it it’s easy to confuse your readers and create misunderstandings. Not to mention that you can come off as a dork. Luckily, Notes can help you!