I thought I had done everything right when I cross certified my local Domino server with my IBM SmartCloud Domino server. But something was still not working!
Tag: ibm notes
Do You Want to Contribute to What Domino V11 Should Be?
Last year IBM had jams with IBM customers, users, business partners and others to get feedback on what IBM Notes and Domino V10 should contain. Now they are inviting YOU to do the same for V11!
Get Started With Integrating Your Domino Applications
So, do you think it’s hard to get started with integrating your Domino applications with other solutions, even after upgrading to Domino V10? IBM now gives you code showing you how to do it!
Ed Brill: – I Know Some People Want to Blame Me
While in Chicago, I met up with Ed Brill, former head of Notes/Domino and IBM Collaboration Solutions, and got him to tell his side of the story.
Paaaartyyyyy! Domino Forever!
The superlatives and positive messages about the Norwegian user group’s (ISBG) launch of IBM/Notes Domino V10 in Norway yesterday has been pouring in all morning. As the leader of ISBG, this makes me immensely happy. And it gives bright hope for the future, and we will use this momentum when we’ve now started preparing for…
Will HCL Places Replace IBM Notes?
Tomorrow sees the first unveiling of IBM Notes/Domino V10. Personally I’m really looking forward to it and on October 23rd we will have our own unveiling in Norway, arranged by us in the Norwegian IBM Collaboration Software Group (ISBG). Now that HCL has taken over the development of the the IBM Collaboration Software portfolio, they…
Ask Me About IBM Notes/Domino
I’ve worked with IBM Notes/Domino (formerly known as Lotus Notes/Domino) since 1997. In those years, the death of Notes/Domino has been predicted so many times. But it hasn’t happened yet. Now, don’t get me wrong, it could have been at better health than it has been for years. But as I’ve written several times in…
Long Live IBM Domino, But What About Notes?
As I wrote in this blog posting, IBM and HCL presented what was new and upcoming in IBM Notes and Domino v10 and 11 at the Engage conference at the end of May. Domino is the server, which they now hope to people will start using as an open development platform with the help of…
I Became Engaged Again
A week ago today the annual Engage conference started in Rotterdam, on one of the most amazing conference venues I’ve been at so far, the ship SS Rotterdam, which is a permanently moored hotel ship in the harbour. Theo Heselmans put on a stunning conference, where over 400 people attended. They were IBM Customers, end…
IBM Notes and Domino Version 10 – A Glowing Saphire?
IBM made some pretty big announcements tonight. First of all, Notes and Domino will have a version 10 released in 2018. Yeah, I know. I am as shocked as you. Secondly, IBM is now leaving all the development of the platform to their partner HCL. IBM has already a partnership with them on several other…